Due to the COVID-19 pandemic over 1.5 billion children around the world are no longer physically attending school. Many schools have closed their doors, leaving their students at home and expecting them to create virtual classrooms. UNICEF estimates that 463 million school children cannot access online learning. Never before have so many children not been able to go to school. This has disrupted their learning and upended their lives. Even children in “advanced” countries, such as Australia and Israel, have become marginalised.
Many families cannot afford readily available, reliable, and fast internet and their children are missing out on vital learning. These children will fall further and further behind in their studies, reducing their chances to improve their lives in our competitive technological world.
Mard Philanthropy is working with an Israeli “hi-tech” enterprise to provide internet connection to hundreds of school students in need in Australia and Israel. We are providing a revolutionary mobile device to allow them to access free (or heavily subsidised) fast, reliable and safe internet for their studies. Not only will these children gain the opportunity to participate in online lessons but they will also gain access to a educational resources and be able to participate in the digital world.
This is the purpose of Mard Philanthropy’s “Every Child Online” project in Australia and Israel.